In order to rise through the ranks in the Salesforce industry and be of high repute within the rank and file of Salesforce, it becomes increasingly important to get Salesforce training and participate in the Salesforce advanced certification program.
This exam is basically for experienced, seasoned and senior administrators who have contributed their quota towards the success of the Salesforce community, and have performed their tasks dispassionately.
So, if you are an experienced administrator with a lot of expertise in Salesforce administration, then you will have the opportunity to move to the next stage of your career by taking part in the Salesforce advanced administrator examination.
This exam is run by administrators who have been with the Salesforce industry for quite some time. This is because it is only those with experience that will be able to understand certain delicate issues that are been tested during the certification exams.
Some of the concepts being tested include the writing of advanced reports, dashboard designs as well as understanding how to automate the business process. It is obvious that without a handful of experience in the industry, you will not have a fair understanding of these precepts and the exam will be very difficult for you.
The exam targets those people who have at least six months experience as Salesforce administrators or those who have completed the ADM 201 program. It is also intended for individuals who wish to get experience in the cloud computing technology.
Both new and experienced software developers can also participate in this exam in order to broaden their scope of operation. Furthermore, the exam can be written by both new and experienced professionals in the sales industry as well as by both business analysts and consultants. It will also be helpful to both project managers as well as individuals having their degrees.
The certification exam has some objectives that are used to test the candidates and bring out the best in them. Some of these objectives are sales management, data management, content management, reports and dashboards, sales cloud applications, process automation, service cloud applications, monitoring and auditing, security and access, etc.
Each of these objectives has demanding questions under it that will test the experience of the candidate and how good he or she is as far as Salesforce administration is concerned. They will give you very interesting scenarios that will demand you to think outside the box and incorporate all the wealth of knowledge you have garnered in the Salesforce industry.
Reference URL
Salesforce Official Website